GIM Training for Professionals with the Therapeutic Arts Institute
GIM Training is being offered in the Midwest with Fran Goldberg & Louise Dimiceli-Mitran, Primary Trainers with the Therapeutic Arts Institute.
For upcoming Trainings, click here for News & Events.
Therapeutic Arts Institute GIM Trainings are endorsed by the Association for Music & Imagery (AMI) and can be applied toward certification as a Fellow of the Association for Music & Imagery (FAMI). The training includes three levels of residential seminars.
Level I: Personal Journey through Music & Imagery
A 5-day introduction to the Bonny Method of GIM to clinical practice featurimg Music and Imagery techniques.
Level II or Professional Training in Music & Imagery – Take as Level II Training or as a stand-alone. If taken as Level II, additional instruction and supervisions will be provided.
-For music therapists, psychotherapists and other professionals. Consists of two 6-day seminars designed to give practical skills in devising and implementing Music Imagery (MI) techniques, described below
Seminar 1: Connecting with the Inner World: Music & Imagery Techniques for Sessions with Individuals. Supervised hands-on experience included both during and after the training with a focus on stimulating and understanding imagery responses to different genres of music, talkovers, verbal processing and counseling skills.
Seminar 2: Reflections and Connections: Music Imagery Techniques in Group Settings.
The focus is on group dynamics and verbal processing in interactive “here and now” sessions. Includes supervised, hands-on experience both during and after the training for your particular group population.
Level III Guided Imagery & Music Internship
-Advanced Training in 5 Seminars. Building on skills developed in the previous seminars, participants practice and refine GIM skills under supervision in private practice and/or clinical settings.
Five Seminars Include:
- Guiding through Music – Music As Guide
- Advanced Clinical Applications
- The Spiritual and Transpersonal in GIM
- Myth and Archetype in GIM
- Celebrating our GIM Learning
-Includes practice sessions, supervision, personal GIM series, assigned readings, written reports, analysis of music, case studies and final project.
For more information, call 773-426-3142 or click here